Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Continuous Training - Cross fit

We did cross fit training, which was high intenceity and non-stop. We needed the equiptment
skipping rope
kettle bells
We first did 5 burpies then 10 kettle bell swings which we had to have be instructed on first because otherwise we would of be suseptable to injury and it was the lombard curve which made our back stronger and we had to push with our legs and hips using that power to swing the kettle bell not our arms so that used our explosive strengh, (after a couple of rounds)muscular endurance and Agility to get our lumbard curve right, then we skipped for 15 reps which tested our co-ordination, balance and speed to get the reps then to finsh our round we did 4 shuttle runs of the gym which tested our c.v. endurance.This exercise will be helpful to a games players.
We did this for AMRAP

The 25 minute run

We ran around the feild for 25 minutes which helps our C.V. endurance and muscular endurance.It becomes VERY boring if you repeat it as a part of a routine.
This exercise will be helpful to long distance runner.

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